In Melvor, there are currently 25 skills. These are divided up intp three different types. Combat Skills, Non-Combat skills and Passive Skills. The user can generally only focus on and train one of these skills at a time. In the base game, these skills are limited to a level cap of 99, but are increased to 120 in the DLC. Every skill has a pet that has a chance to be unlocked when working each skill. These pets give permanent buffs to the player.
Combat Skills
Combat Skills are trained by fighting enemies. Combat can be pretty dangerous. At worst, you lose your save if in hardcore mode. But in the other modes, you can lose items you have equipped when you die. The player is given an auto-eat ability, allowing them to consume food automatically to regain health.
The first of the three melee combat skills. Leveling up the attack skills grants the user access to higher tier melee weapons.
The second of the three melee combat skills.
The third of the three melee combat skills. This skill affects the tier of armor you plate armor you can wear.
Hitpoints affects how much health the player has. This is leveled-up passively through training other combat skills, but is not listed with the other passive skills for whatever reason.
Skill linked to the ranged combat style. This skill affects the tier of leather armor you can wear, and the tier of ranged weapons you can use.
Skill linked to the magic style. This skill affects the tier of magic armor you can wear and the tier of magic weapons you can use.
Prayer consumes prayer points (gained through burying bones) to give buffs to the player. The higher your prayer level, the more prayer buff you have access to.
Slayer is leveled-up by doing slayer tasks. The game assigns you a task to kill a random number of a specific enemy from a slayer area. There are special slayer armor sets that give buffs when fighting in slayer areas.
Combat Triangle
Combat can be divided into three styles. This makes a triangle of fighting styles with each style having a strength and weakness, and makes it advantageous and at times necessary to level-up the relevant combat skills. Your combat style is determined by the weapon you use.
Using either attack, strength or defence. This style is strong against ranged style enemies, but is weak against magic style enemies.
Using ranged weapons. This style is strong against magic style enemies, but is weak against melee style enemies.
Using magic weapons. This style is strong against melee style enemies, but is weak against ranged style enemies.
Non-Combat Skills
Non-Combat Skills are trained by working / doing tasks in their respective areas. The player is in no harm of death during non-combat skills, with the exception of thieving. Non-combat skills have a separate level system call mastery. Each skill has a mastery pool, and each section of the skill has its own master level that caps at 99. Doing an action at a section gives exp for that mastery level, and gives some exp to the overall master pool for that skill. Filling the mastery pool can yield some good benefits.
Woodcutting involves cutting down trees to get logs. You can cut two different tress at once for some reason.
Fishing allows the player to get fish that can be cooked for food. You can also get treasure from fishing, things like gems and other rare items.
Firemaking is all about burning logs. You burn the logs you get from Woodcutting / tree plots. Filling the mastery pool of firemaking can make mastering other skills quicker.
Cooking produces food that is used for combat and thieving. Higher cooking levels mean you can cook better food that heals for more.
Mining gives the player ores for smithing and making armor and weapons, and essence for making runes for magic.
Smithing allows the user to turn ore from mining into bars, that can be used to make armor and weapons. The higher the smithing level, the higher tier ores they can smelt and use.
Thieving is the only non-combat skill where you can die. This is because each NPC in thieving has a chance to catch you pickpocketing and hits you for some amount of damage. If this amount is over your auto-eat threshold, you die.
This skill is used to create ranged weapons, such as short and long bows, crossbows, javelins and arrows and bolts.
Makes jewelery and ranged equipment. The jewelery can give useful combat effects.
Uses essence from mining to make many different types of runes, which are ussed in magic combat and in alt. magic spells. You also use this skill to make magic weapons and clothes.
Use herbs and other ingredients to make potions. These potions give buffs in other skills.
Generates money when active, and gives massive buffs/debuffs to other skills.
With Summoning, you make tablets of different types. These tablets have useful effects when used. You can have different combinations of tablets to give different effects.
Astrology provides a lot of buffs to other skills.
Alt. Magic
This is an alternative way of training magic. It has some useful spells like Superheat, which can give you more bars for your ore. It takes runes made from Runecrafting to use spells.
Passive Skills
Passive Skills are skills to can work without the player's focus.
Farming involves collecting seeds from Thieving or Combat. You plant these seeds into plots and wait for them to grow to get resources. The time they take to grow varies a lot. There are three different types of plots/seeds. You can use compost to increase the amount of resources you get from harvesting.
Allotment plots are used for growing fruits and vegetables, which are used to make food.
Herb plots are used to grow herbs, which are used for herblore / potion making.
Tree plots are used for getting wood and other resources like apples that come from trees. These typically take the longest to grow.
Township is a very different skill. It involves the player building a town, managing their resources and keeping the citizens happy. There are several key aspects to the Township skill.
The Town
This is where you create and manage your buildings. There are many types of buildings that generate different resources for the town. The town preforms a "tick" every hour, at which point every building generates the specified amount of resources, and has a change to degrade. The player must use these town resources to create more buildings over time.
Tasks are challenges for the player to complete. They are ranked into 7 ranks of difficulty. These tasks can range for giving the town some resources, to defeating bosses. The player is rewared with gold, exp, and sometime items.
The Trader
The trader allows the player to exchange the town resources for special items they can use in other skills. These items are only obtainable from Township.