Gold is earned in a variety of ways. Through combat, thieving, agility, township and selling items. Gold is used to buy most of the things available in the shop.
Slayer Coins
Slayer Coins are earned from fighting slayer monsters in a slayer task. There is special equipment you can buy to get more slayer coins.
Shop Categories
The shop is divided into several categories.
General Upgrades
From this section, the player can purchase upgrades for things like extra bank slots and extra equipment loadouts.
Skill Upgrades
Here the player can get upgraded equipment for skills like woodcutting, cooking and more. These upgrades just give buffs to the player when they are active in their respective skills.
This is the section that takes slayer coins. It has special Slayer equipment and items needed to help progress through and access slayer areas. It also sells a special set of clothes that give benefits when working on the summoning skill.
Here the player can buy gloves that give buffs or special effects in certain skills. These gloves only come with a limited amount of charges and will stop working when they run out. The player would then have to buy the gloves again.
Materials & Items
This section has items the player can buy for cooking, fletching, summoning and farming.
Township has a bunch of outfits that give the player benefits when working on non-combat skills. It also has some pets the player can buy that give permanent global buffs to the player.
Skillcapes are only purchasable once the player has reached 99 in the respective skill. Each skillcape gives buffs to the player for the skill when wearing it. There is a cape for each skill, and a maximum skillcape that combines the effects of all the skillcapes combined, which can only be obtained when the player has reached 99 in all skills. There is even a cape beyond that, called the Cape of Completion that can only be obtained when the player has reached 100% completion of the base game.
Superior Skillcapes
These are upgraded version of the skillcapes added in the DLC, for when the player reaches level 120 in a skill. There is one for each skill, a maximum and completion version.